Tuesday, October 25, 2011

West into the Florida Pan handle

Aunt Lily with her new best budy Nephew Montana

Ibis's in the Winn Dixie Parking Lot

Marcel's collection of remote devices

Amy - Marcel - Andrea - Max 

Cork - Marcel - Max

Lily and Marcel

A crazy dinner capped three days of family fun. Marcel (my son) had picked Tu Tu Tango for our final gathering and he choose well. The place has 3 artists painting and drawing amidst the patrons. There is artwork for sale on all the walls. Then you have live flamenco and Belly dancers. The food is world tapas and good. The place is big, loud, and pleasantly psychotic. We had a great time and plans were made to get the east coast family to visit the west.
We were out and on the road by 9 AM. It always feels good to get back in our rollin home and on the road. Now we are heading North and West. Andrea and I felt the directional shift with a bit of sorrow. We have learned to like it out here (where ever here might be?) The idea of the trip for me was get of the bus that I was on and let it take off with out me. It has become clear that when I (we) return home it is not going to be to the patterns we left. We can feel the change and as a couple know that a way of being is going into play. Leaving Orlando has been a powerful moment for Andre and I.

As we drove I plugged in the IPOD and left it on shuffle. The days when I am feeling tenuously emotional this mystery music selection can lead to a game of emotional roulette. The alchemical mix of wistful leaving and un clarified di3erctions open me up to the full import of a song. Kinda like being bush wacked.  You never know what’s gonna whack you across the heart. Sometime the Penguin CafĂ© Orchestra, Tom Waits, Glen Gould or  Nina Simone. Today it was Arlo Guthrie Singing Steve Goodman’s song Riding on the City of New Orleans. Maybe it was knowing about how Arlo got the song from Steve Goodman or show sad it was to lose Steve Goodman so early in his life or just the earnestness of the song ,whatever it got to me.  Goin West.

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